Meetings & Hearings
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Board of Selectmen
Town Clerk
Tax Collector
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Conservation Comm.
Barnard School
Town Crier
2024 Town Meeting
2023 Town Meeting
2022 Town Meeting

The South Hampton Town Clerk is the place to go to for the following services :   

  • Voter Registration
  • Absentee Ballots
  • Vehicle Registrations
  • Marriage Licenses -Please call to schedule an appointment.
  • Copies of Birth, Death & Marriage Certificates
  • Dog Licenses

The Town Clerk's Office is located in the Town Hall

Office Hours                                                                                                      
Monday 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Wednesday 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Friday 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Renewals should be done online using E-REG

If you are renewing a Vehicle registration , you can do so over the web. Just click the  Moose Plate and you will be sent to the site to do so. This is ONLY for renewals, all other transactions must be done at the office.

Please note that you registration will not be complete until you receive your new registration and decals from the Town Clerk. Allow at least 5 business days to complete transactions

Dog Licenses Renewals can be done online now. Just click on the cute Dog and you will be directed to the site. Mail the required fees and your renewal will be mailed back to you.You must come in to the office for new dogs and to update current dog rabies certificates. Per the State of NH all dogs must be registered yearly by April 30th.                             

Town Clerk Andrea Condon
Deputy Town Clerk Angela Racine                                                                                  3 Hilldale Avenue
South Hampton, NH 03827
Fax 603-394-2134
Email : tctx@southhamptonnh.org